Gum Boots #FridayFictioneers

Carl's blackened body and contorted face was enough to give anyone the nightmares. The two cops stuck up their handkerchiefs into their nostrils trying not to throw up.

Walter spoke up first “Look at the blood marks here. The culprit was wearing gum boots”
Jack, his senior, rolled his eyes “Must have been disposed of by now”

The flames rose as they caught on the rubber, spluttering sparks that bit Michelle. She felt no pain. Her life of abuse, pain and tears were over with Carl’s demise.

Michelle let out a soft laugh watching her gum boots melt away.

PHOTO PROMPT -Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Word count:100
100 word story written in response to the photo prompt at Friday Fictioneers at Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can post one of your own or read the other entries here.


  1. Sad tale.
    Nicely expressed. Two sides of the story...

    1. Thank you, Anita..although I'd say it was a happy ending for her :-)

  2. How much abuse could she have tolerated anyway.
    This was perfect!

  3. Sad and very well expressed Uma

    1. Thank you, I said, I thought the end was positive for her :-)

  4. Uma, Very realistic story. Well written. ---Susan


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