Fearless #Five Sentence Fiction

He was often reminded of his boundaries and the dangers of going beyond his realm, but he had a mind of his own and wanted to explore the forbidden grounds.

And now he had set his eyes on her and was consumed by the desire to own her, oblivious to the obvious hurdles that lay between him and her.

He would get her today, he thought as he set out fearlessly, taking care not to invite any attention.

He hoped she didn't scream as her eyes remained fixed in horror as he advanced swiftly, but just as he was about to grab her, he heard a scream behind.

“You naughty child, how many times have I told you not to climb the showcase; you could’ve asked me if you wanted that doll!” scolded mama thwarting the toddler's ambitions.

Written in response to the prompt: Fearless at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

Lillie McFerrin Writes


  1. Oh My God! you have put up so many 55ers and fiction..God knows why I havent been getting any of your posts at all...super weird!

    Loved this one...sinister at first but made me smile at the end..super twist:)

    1. RM..RM..RM..super glad to have you back! :-D
      some sinister settings behind no updates :-(

  2. That was a very unexpected turn :) Nice take!

  3. Such a surprise that was... A toddler huh? Nice.

    1. I'm glad the twist worked..thanks, Tulika :-)

  4. I wondered what he was after! :) Good one :)

  5. That was a twist I didn't see coming, great writing.

  6. Now who could have thought of that twist!

  7. I started reading to expect a gruesome ending, only to have a smile on my face at the end. Such a cute one, Uma :)

  8. Lovely twist Uma :) And one I can recall myself saying a few years ago ;)

    1. Thanks, Shailaja..yes, I'd say this often and sometimes even now!


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