Ours or mine?

Whenever R and I pass via our parking lot, I point out to our car and say "namma car".

Today while we were passing by, R looked at the car and said:

"yaar car?" (to himself)..
"Ichab car" (replies immediately without waiting for an answer from me)

Amma: !!! *thinks* Already!! Sigh!!


  1. LOL Uma - that's so cute :).

    Love the way you capture the baby talk.

  2. Aparna: Thank you so much Aparna!

    Purnima: :-)

  3. Ha Ha! Uma.. These kids.. They love possessions. Brainy guy, already wants his own things.
    Who teaches them?? :P

  4. Awwww! That's so cute :) Kids absorb everything even unsaid stuff!

  5. Spicy Sweet: seriously, how do they know!!

    Simran: thanks Simran, you bet..they sense and perceive more than we think they do..

  6. Hugs and kisses to R :)
    He is so cute!!!

  7. Tan: Hey Tan, missed replying to ur comment..thank you so much!!!
    *passes on the hugs and kisses* :-)


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