“Amma, Appa, see I've drawn a dragon. See its wings and the
fire it spouts out of its mouth! You know it’s the most powerful dragon in the
whole world” I almost pulled my lazy parents off their bed in my excitement to
show them my masterpiece.
Amma scooped me in her sleepy arms and planted a proud kiss
on my cheeks. She was very happy to see the dragon even if it disturbed her
slumber and encouraged me to keep up the good work but gently added that I refrain
from calling out to her every two minutes. Appa seemed to be tired since he
kept sleeping. They had more important stuff to be accomplished and time was
seemingly short.
Sigh! These grown-ups had no clue how much work I had! Airplanes
with propellers had to be built, rockets were to be sent into Jupiter and then
there were the great white sharks and blue whales that needed some behavioural observation too.
What work did Amma and Appa do, I wondered? They never seemed too excited to
share their work secrets with me.
“Amma, I want to go alone on that hill on my cycle. Can I go?”
“Of course not, you've to wait until you grow up for that!”
Amma looked horrified “It’s dangerous for little kids, you know” she added
softening a little.
“But..but..only this morning you said since I'm five years old now, I've become a big boy
and that I should eat on my own!” Amma and Appa always confused me. One moment
I was a big boy and the next moment I was not yet big. Why can’t they make up
their minds for once?!
I really want to grow up fast so that I can build real-life airplanes,
climb the mountains, and take a plunge into the sea with the whales. “Oh God,
please make me big soon!”
The sun streamed into the window and I woke up to realize that the above was a scene from my dream last night. It was a moment of epiphany for indeed I had forgotten what it is to live
in the moment, dream big and have exciting adventures in my wish list. I had
wanted to grow up to fulfill my dreams but when I grew up I had forgotten my
dreams just like Amma and Appa.
"Dear God, can I be a 5 year old again?"
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http://bit.ly/1svpvWz _______________ |
Written for the Blogadda WOW prompt-‘Back in Time’. Imagine, one fine day, you wake up as a 5-year-old child and not as a grown up! What will you do then?
Awesome, so true... We do forget our dreams as we grow up.. especially i did forget.. i wanted to become a teacher, then a doctor and i also wanted to become an actress,but i am here being a sincere home-maker!!
ReplyDeleteBeing a sincere home-maker is no child's play either, Shanmuga priya! we do need to keep the "I can do" spirit, that 5 yr olds have, alive though!
DeleteWouldn't we all love to be that 5 year old again? I know I would. Beautifully written. You made me feel wistful for the imaginative and playful child I was before I became a cynical adult with more important things on my mind. Wish I could go back again. That's what the writing does for me when I lose myself in it.
Thanks a lot, Cathy for the appreciative words. Yes, the innocence and innate belief in goodness wants me to go back to that age!
Deletewe wanted to grow big when we were small and now we desires to back in that time, how good were those days,
ReplyDeleteBack To The Future
True, those were really good days when desires were small, Cifar!
Deletevery true
ReplyDeletethank you, Onkar!
DeleteLovely post :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Shalini! :-)
Deleteparents do confuse young ones, could relate to that. nice post.
ReplyDeleteThanks, blackbeauty! :-)
ReplyDeleteTruly delighted, Khadija :-)
DeleteHow true! Growing up does change a lot in us .. We build layers and layers of inhibitions and become so cautious with everything that we actually forget how it feels to push our limits.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it sad, Aarthy?! :-(
DeleteSo true...I wish I could go back to being a child again...life was so simple
ReplyDeleteRandom Thoughts Naba - The Weekend Roundup...
True, Naba :-)
DeleteIf only I could turn back time. Such a warm wonderful take on the prompt. Loved it Uma!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it, Preeti :-))
DeleteThe life of every five-year-old and the quest to reach the moon. Love it:)
Yes, stars in the eyes and confidence in the heart. Thanks, Vishal!
DeleteWe want to grow up when we are kids and go back to childhood once we grow up. Strange are the ways of our lives :)
ReplyDeleteIn childhood I always imagined myself working in office so that I'ld get rid of office ....Now I imagine myself in school again :( Never satisfied of what we are!!!
ReplyDeleteIn childhood I always imagined myself working in office so that I'ld get rid of studies ....Now I imagine myself in school again :( Never satisfied of what we are!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your interesting idea BA 1st Year Result 2020 and thought is very nice and it's helpfull contant BA 2nd Year Result 2020
ReplyDeleteकोविड-19 महामारी के कारण स्थगित की गई परीक्षाओं में से स्नातक पार्ट-।।। एवं स्नातकोत्तर(उत्तरार्ध) की परीक्षाएं 15 जुलाई, 2020 से आयोजित करवाने हेतु विस्तृत समय सारणी विश्वविद्यालय वेबसाइट पर प्रसारित की गई थी।
ReplyDeleteराज्य सरकार के निर्देश एवं कुलपति महोदय के आदेश दिनांक 08.07.2020 की पालना में सभी सम्बन्धित को सूचित कर लेख है कि विश्वविद्यालय में शेष रही सत्र 2019 2020 की परीक्षाएं आयोजित नहीं होने के कारण उक्त समय सारणी को निरस्त किया जाता है। राज्य सरकार के निर्देश प्राप्त होने के पश्चात् तदनुसार आगामी सूचना से विश्वविद्यालय वेबसाईट द्वारा अवगत करवाया जायेगा।
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PUC Question Paper 2021