Life drama

Seeds we sow of verdant promises
some do bloom, many wither
Among uncertainties and skirmishes
We falter and dither

In quest of grasping eternal essence
We find our Selves shrinking
Into shoes larger than our tiny presence
Some lament, it's wishful thinking

Enacting roles in worldly show,
we get caught red-handed for
Fallacies we don’t care to amend
Alas, it's also what we don't know

Our part on the stage is awhile
Lives we play, all fragile
A greater truth awaits, as we leave
Stranger than the fiction we now believe

A round up of all the 7 BarAThon theme prompts into a bite-size philosophy. 

Day 7 theme prompt: Promise


  1. So clever how you incorporated all the prompts into one poem. Well done! What a fun blogging festival it was!

    1. Surely, a great blogging festival, Cathy. So much creativity all around. I still need to visit many blogs.

  2. Great job in weaving all the seven prompts into a beautiful verse! Loved it :-)

  3. That's very creative and wonderful way of weaving all prompts for the finale post! Very impressive, Uma!

    1. Thanks a lot, Shilpa. Glad you liked it :-)

  4. how brilliantly you have woven all the prompts together...very witty I must say. Well written :)

  5. I find this reflection on life's journey and our search for meaning to be quite profound.


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