A sweet renunion

The house echos with familiar patter
a constant rain of chitter-chatter

A stream of hugs and kisses pour
"miss you's and love you's" galore

Stories flow of another home yonder,
a loving aunt, and sibling love grander

Suitcases full of love and warmth
grandparents had showered forth,

Got unpacked neatly with care
reminiscing about the fun affair 

Surprise gifts were thrown in
for us parents in the waiting

By the adorable, little guy
who's back from Mumbai!

A first Mother's Day card for me
Heart's melted now


  1. Super cute! The cards get me every time.💜

    1. So true. It's a first for me so even more special <3

  2. Wow! Wonderfully penned down 😊


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