Music heals like no other medicine

Alex sat with an awkward pose; his eyes carried the look of hurt and rejection from being side-lined by the other boisterous boys of his age.

“Such a weirdo, cannot even judge a simple catch!”

“Have you noticed, he never looks in the eye? Gives me the creeps”

The words no longer numbed Amy as she bravely fought the world for her autistic son.

“I see a genius in him” Gerald, his music teacher, had told her once and she believed him.

Amy knew she had won as Alex’s fingers played magically on the keyboard and silenced the apathetic world.

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Word count:100
100 word story written in response to the photo prompt at Friday Fictioneers at Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can post one of your own or read the other entries here.  


  1. Great story with an "I can do it anyway attitude! Very good!

  2. A very lovely story. A mother's belief in her son.

  3. Dear Uma,

    A mother knows. Autism is a strange condition and many times the autistic is brilliant in one way or another. Nicely done.



    1. Yes, Rochelle, autistic children are known to have above average intelligence. Thank you!

  4. You just need to give a chance where it is needed, well done Uma!

  5. Love the ending Uma. So much love in this story.


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