Aparna conferred upon me the Versatile blogger award. It's my first award and am so glad!
Thanks a ton Aparna!!!
ETA: While, I had nominated
Nancy for the award, I later found that she had simultaneously done the same. Thanks again Nancy!
The rules of the award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award-
2. Nominate 15 other bloggers and inform them of the same
3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself
4. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your Blog Post-
I think, I am the last person on this Blogosphere to be nominated for this award. At least, most of the bloggers I know are already proud owners or are already nominated. Hence, I nominate:
Radhika- she does not post very frequently but her posts have variety and some good poetry too!
Purnima- She has become a proud mother of a beautiful daughter, so I doubt she'll take this tag up in the near future. Yet, she qualifies for the award.
Sahana- She is truly a master with words. Her posts will most definitely leave you with a smile. She's already a recipient of this award, but I guess that's ok.
Bhargavi- Again, her posts are full of humour
Nancy- a very popular blogger and also a long-time recipient of this award. I love the way she writes. Nancy, this is a punishment for not taking up my earlier tag, if you remember :-P. Anyway, since, you must have done this tag long ago, I request you to take it up once again..:-)
I can only come up with these many names!
Now, comes the tougher part, the random facts. Well, lets see:
1. I loath lizards. I am also completely terrified of them. I am brave around roaches and can send them to heavenly abode in a jiffy but when it comes to this sluggish creature, I can turn numb with fear and disgust. We have been fed with some superstition that one should not kill a lizard. Don't ask me why, 'cause I have never got an answer. I am not sure I believe in the superstition but I cannot still muster courage to kill one. So, that leaves me with only two other option: To either co-habit until the monster decides to quit the house or somehow drive it out of the house. Both the options leave me in a state of utter misery till the exit of the cause, so I try to block the chances of its entry in the first place. I have observed a couple of them lurking near the main door, hence each time I open the door, I make a complete and thorough scrutiny of the frame and door to satisfy myself that the dreaded creature is not lurking camouflaged waiting to furtively enter the house. Of course, the dear husband thinks this is just one other side-effects of my mental imbalance.
2. I have a sweet tooth. I crave for a sweet especially after lunch. ANY sweet will do.
3. My face mirrors my thoughts. I cannot behave as though all is hunky-dory if things are not so. Also, I cannot scheme and conspire behind someone's back while being sweet to them on their face. If I do not like somebody, I avoid that person but will never say something I do not mean.
4. I can cry easily. My eyes moisten up even at the stupidest sentimental dialogue of a dumb movie or (worse) a T.V. soap. I try to be discreet, though.
5. I once went to a professional studio and got my voice recorded for a folk song in a advert. It was along with one more female voice and a male lead singer. I don't even know if the ad and the song got released. That's my closest brush to stardom so far.
6. I once slapped a boy when I was around six or seven because he insisted that I was six years old dand not seven which I refused to acknowledge. Oh! the age of innocence (am not referring to the slapping bit, though). Let anyone tell me now that I am not in the age I am and I'll be walking on the clouds!
7. I have acquired an annoying habit of cleaning the surface of the gas stove even while cooking to ensure that nothing falls on its surface or if something spills, it is cleaned pronto. Yes, I am quite crazy.
Phew! I was struggling to come up with more than five but really enjoyed doing it. Thanks again Aparna!
p.s. Nominees, if you see my post before I can come and let you know, please come and collect it. I'll be doing the informing part shortly..:-)