The performer- #Five Sentence Fiction

She dazzled in her white suit lighting every dark corner with her sheer presence and power.

With every performance she won a thunderous applause keeping everyone hypnotized and mesmerized.

However, the adulation left her dizzy with pride and she turned ruthless in her way, threatening to quieten anyone who dared to challenge her.

As they say pride goes before a fall and so it happened on a stormy night when she stumbled and fell.

But the great fall did have an unfortunate effect on aspiring lives that got prematurely cut.

In response to the Five Sentence Fiction Prompt: Dazzles. Check out other dazzling entries here.

Lillie McFerrin Writes


  1. Nice take Uma. Happens in the corporate world all the time :)
    Yes, pride does always come before a fall.

  2. So true. If only she had realized it before.

  3. thank you ladies. Not sure if you all got what I actually meant to convey. I tried to tell the story of a lightning that struck ultimately. :-p

  4. Uma you have very extraordinary mind setup to narrate service Shimla


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