I miss...

I miss…
I miss my life before I was a mom.
I miss sleeping late into the mornings without a baby demanding to be held and fed
I miss the conversations with my hubby and the comfortable silences between us. The silence now is deafening and surely doesn’t speak of comfort either.
I miss going out without the diaper bags and packed snack items.
I miss the luxury of window shopping and shopping without a list.
I miss going out for movies.

Life after a baby is one that does not have a space for “you”
You are a mom and will remain so for the rest of your life.
No doubt my baby brings light into my eyes each time I smile.
I smile every time my baby smiles. I am hurt when he is hurt.
I cherish his naughty ways and never wish he were any different.
My heart melts when he hugs me,unconditionally, full of trust.
I would not trade this for anything else.
Yet, I miss…


  1. Hi Uma, thanks for stopping by my blog. Wonder if you've heard the very nice song, dedicated by a father to his child and the name of the song is: "You ruined everything in the nicest way" :) Look up Jonathan Coulton on google and you can get the lyrics there...so so so apt!
    But - i've heard from older more experienced moms - that it gets better - after a decade or so :))

  2. just googled the song Aparna...made me smile..
    things are not bad as yet, so if it's going to get better, am looking forward to it..;-)

  3. Incidentally came across ur blog today and am here from quite a time now. Ur posts r so apt. Loved them!

    i have a 1 year kid and I am very much going through this phase now.. it really feels good to get connected with ur thoughts . Thanks for the wonderful posts

  4. Shruthi: hey thanks Shruthi for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!
    thank you for the lovely comment..:-) :-)
    looking forward to seeing you often..

  5. I can relate to this very well.. Missing the good old childless days, still loving the mommy days.. :)
    I am going through your old posts Uma.. Nice read.. :)

    1. Every mother goes through this, I guess, Vinitha and thanks so so much for going through my old posts. It does mean a lot to me :-)


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