Idiomatic conversation- Light and Shade Challenge

I shall cross the bridge when it comes” quipped Lindel priding herself on her quick thinking.

Always mend your bridges and never burn them” countered Esther calmly.

Hold the bridge!..wait..or is it the fort??” blurted Lindel, panic eyes darting between the swift-moving sand and the picture.

It’s all water under the bridge, now” scorned Esther, tapping the sand clock of its residue, signaling the end of the time limit.

“Now that your creative juices are well shaken, sit down to write that essay” bellowed Jonathan, an English professor and the picture-word game’s brainchild, secretly pleased with his children’s vocabulary. 
Word count:100

100 word fiction written for the Light and Shade Challenge, combining both the prompts below:

Photo prompt:

Image courtesy of cheva and taken from the Wikipedia Commons
And the quote:
Shake well before opening
- instructions on a milkshake bottle.


  1. haha.. lovely. A brilliant take... yes, I know I would feel awesome if my kids were to speak that way!

    1. Oh, yes, I'd be proud too! thanks a lot, Roshan for the read and words of appreciation :-)

  2. Agree with both of you....lovely take on the prompt

  3. Brilliant take Uma :)

  4. Good vocabulary is so rare nowadays. Lovely take on the prompts, Uma! :)


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